This is only 2 months late but better late than never :). So here are a few things about my growing kiddos I want to jot down before I forget!
Colin -
You are such a rough and tumbly little boy but have the softest heart at the same time. You can wrestle and fight with your sister but no one else can touch her as was evidenced by a little event at preschool. We always ask how your day was and what you learned and you told us that you pushed a boy that had pushed Leah. While I had to refrain from telling you "great job" and making it seem okay to push, it was one of my proudest moments to hear of you standing up for your sister (who is about 10 pounds smaller than you at this point). You are so tender with our foster baby boy and tell us often he's "your baby" or "your friend". You are such a good daddy to him and your babies. You have quite a sense of humor and say the funniest things. I will have to do a better job of writing them down because you really do crack us up pretty much all the time. You love to do anything with your daddy especially if it involves going out in the garage or going outside. You and Leah helped him carry in firewood for a good half hour from his truck to the back patio last winter. You are very tall for your age and talk like a 6 year old. We joke that you're 3 going on 13. You are very independent and want to prove you can do anything yourself. You're proficient at getting dressed, putting your shoes and socks on, getting things out of the pantry or refrigerator, and love to "read" books to us and to Leah. Your favorite book is "Pete the Cat" which you have memorized along with several other books. You love to sing and play your guitar. You and Leah love to put on "The Castle" skits that you learn at church. You are our funny little man and I can't imagine life without you.
Leah -
You are our little princess. You are a girly girl and love to dress up and wear anything with ruffles. Your favorite color is pink, followed closely by purple. You love sparkles and jewelry and shoes. We often go round and round about what you are going to wear out because you don't understand why I don't agree with some of your interesting combinations of clothes, shoes, and accessories. You love your black patent "tapping" shoes you wore at Christmas and want to wear them most of the time. You love Minnie Mouse and Dora. You will be one tough girl with all the wrestling you and Colin do. You are very independent and perfectly happy sitting down by yourself to look at a book or play on your leap pad 2. You also love to play outside and love animals. You got "The Little Mermaid" for Christmas which is your favorite movie (mommy's too). You were fascinated when I could sing along to all of the songs. I am treasuring this as I know someday it will take a lot more to impress you! You are my shopping buddy and night owl. You are almost always awake after Colin goes to sleep. You are very quiet though and sometimes I come out to find you have snuck out of bed to read a book in the living room. We rarely have to get onto you and when we do you're very sensitive and hate to get in trouble. You are very stubborn though and hold a grudge. I have no idea where you get that from ;). You love to sing and play the keyboard and love to put on skits with Colin of "The Castle" that you have seen at church. You are our precious princess and I can't imagine life without you.
You both are so cute when we pray before bed. There are always random prayers - for the milkman (daddy brought milk one day but you didn't see him), your toys, the neighbors' dogs, and random people will pop in your heads. It's so sweet and I love that you thank God for so many different things!
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