Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So my life has been a little crazy lately.... :)



I haven't found the USB to download new pics from the camera but abobe are some pictures we had taken by the photographer who also did our maternity pics (they were 3 weeks old for these) and some other pics...
Wow. Looking at their pictures from my last post is crazy! They were so so little! Well, they are 8 weeks old today and their 2 month birthday is on Friday which I totally cannot believe. We closed on our house we were building on February 19th (still waiting on sod though...) and that same weekend both Colin and Leah had RSV. Yep, my little babies got RSV. I took Leah to the doctor on Friday, the 19th, and everything sounded fine as far as her breathing and oxygen level went so the nurse practitioner said to just keep an eye on her. Well Friday night I just felt like Colin's breathing wasn't normal so we made a trip to the pediatric urgent care. He also checked out fine but tested positive for RSV. The ped at urgent care said his oxygen level and breathing were fine but to watch for any difficulties breathing and to call 911 if he turned blue. Well, this new mom and dad took shifts Friday night (after moving all day and taking a late night trip to the urgent care) staying up all night and basically watching to make sure both of our babies didn't turn blue. It was a loooooong day on Saturday and we ended up breaking from moving around dinner time. Brad's dad came down and helped us move and cooked dinner for us Saturday night which was great since we were both exhausted. We both turned in around 8:00 that night. I still woke up several times throughout the night to make sure they were both breathing. They slept in their bouncers (to stay more elevated) right beside the bed and we left the bathroom light on so I could just wake up and see them. I have noticed that my senses are like superman now that I'm a mom. I can hear them breathing and see the smallest movements to indicate breathing in half light. I did actually read an article that moms have hightened senses and I believe it! Leah recovered fine from the RSV but Colin's cough got worse so we took him back to the pediatrician and he has been doing breathing treatments which have definitely helped his cough which is almost gone now.
Some things I have noticed after becoming a mom....
  • Time, which went so slowly during my pregnancy, is now at warp speed. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it a conspiracy and all the clocks were programmed to speed up?
  • I went from being a fast lane driver (I may have been a little speedy) to driving like a "grandma".
  • Life involves feeding, pumping, changing diapers, and sometimes napping. Yes, I admit I do miss sleep sometimes but it's wonderful cuddling Colin and Leah at all hours of the day or night :).
  • I have never been so excited about poop in my life. Leah would go 2-3 days between dirty diapers. She is now doing better since we switched formula and I am attempting a dairy free diet.
  • The papsan swing is a twin mom's best friend especially when they both decide that they're hungry. Leah will almost not even tolerate the regular travel swing. Colin will swing in either. Colin is also the more patient and laid back of the two. Leah demands when she's hungry/wants picked up/etc. She's definitely a little princess lol :).
  • Even though I like my job, I am totally dreading going back to work and have tried to think of some invention to make millions or a job I can do from home - nothing so far but I have 4 weeks left....The whole powerball thing hasn't worked out yet either.... :(

So as noted above I have been attempting a dairy free diet to see if that helps with Leah's gassiness and mild constipation. I think I've only actually gone 2 days total in the last week or so as it seems everything has dairy in it! Things I never would have guessed have dairy in them and some things that I would think do have dairy don't (like Oreos which I am totally addicted to) :). I have tried soy milk and just bought some almond milk last night which I haven't tried straight yet. The vanilla soy milk is okay. I have used it on cereal and for dunking my Oreos which thank goodness are dairy free and it's fine for those. I don't crave a big glass of it to just drink straight or anything. The plain soy milk works fine for substituting in recipes. I haven't noticed any difference in flavor or anything by using it. It's funny because I had never been a big milk drinker and then craved it when I was pregnant. Unfotunately, it made me sick especially if I had any milk or ice cream before bed.

To sum it up life has been crazy lately with two sick babies and moving but it's still been wonderful. I mostly facebook because I can do this on my blackberry while pumping (oh how I am thankful for staying connected with my blackberry) :). We are all looking forward to our trip to KC the weekend of March 19th! It's been since October that we've been there and we sure miss everyone!