Saturday, May 29, 2010

Temper temper...

Grr...the title is appropriate for 2 reasons now. One, I just wrote the entire post and when I tried to publish it, it erased it and said there were conflicting edits! Grrr. Two, Mr. Colin has been showing his little temper lately. They both love playing in the exersaucers. Colin, however, gets very angry when he cannot pull off the toys that are attached to it. He starts out kind of whining and fussing a little and then moves to what we call "the meltdown". He throws a fit and hits the toy or tries to bite it. At this point, he is removed from the exersaucer and consoled. We have removed all of the toys from the exersaucer that clip in and can be removed. There are two though that spin and make noise that are actually attached to it. These he hates. In place of all of the toys that were clipped on there are now loose toys that we put up there.

Leah doesn't seem to have the temper like Colin. She's very impatient though and when she wants something you better get it fast - bottle, nap, changed, played with, to swing....whatever it is she wants it now. She's still not much of a fan of tummy time (Colin rolls over and sleeps on his belly most of the time). She is doing better though and will tolerate it more and more. I think she doesn't mind it as much though because she constantly rolls over to her back. So it's more like tummy time for a second, then on her back, then us rolling her back to her tummy. She's been having on and off days with spitting up. Some days she won't spit up any and some it's every feeding. We'll be calling the doctor if it doesn't get better since she is on acid reflux medicine.

They are both sleeping all night for the most part. They each had one night this week where they woke up and we moved them to the pack-n-play in our room so they wouldn't wake up the other. Colin, we have realized, does not like having his bed elevated. We had slightly propped up one side of his crib since he had been having some allergies and congestion. Well, Thursday night he was not having it. So I moved him to the pack-n-play in our room and he fell back asleep no problem and slept until 7:30. This was the same night Leah slept until 7:00 and we are quite sure this was a rare occurence that we won't see for many years - like a solar eclipse or something. Well, Leah spit up in her sleep last night and woke up but was not wanting to go back to sleep. So I had to stand by the pack-n-play and make sure her pacifier didn't fall out - so fun at 12:30am :).

We went bathing suit shopping last night for me and the twins. Either I didn't get the memo about skirt bottoms being out this year or everyone wanting the skirt bottoms went early to make sure they got them. Either way, I hate bathing suit shopping and stores should be required to have skirt bottoms in stock on Memorial Day weekend for us women who have had babies this year and are wanting to make sure we're covered up and have waited until the last minute to buy a bathing suit because we were hoping for some miracle to happen and wake up with a sculpted Carrie Underwood body. So, pretty much I did not have a good time swim suit shopping for myself. I did, however, have a BLAST swim suit shopping for the twins. My mom and I went and she found Leah the pink tutu bathing suit at Target I have been eyeing but all of the hangers said sizes 12 months and up. Leah needs a 9 month size to last for the summer. Well, I looked online and no luck - all 12 months and up. My mom said one looked smaller than the others and looked at the tag. It was a 9 month size on a 12 month hanger!!! Okay, it may seem silly to get this excited but it's their first bathing suit and IT'S A PINK TUTU!! We found Colin some adorable blue Hawaiian print swim trunks and found them both swim shirts to match their suits, already had hats, and we're ready to go! I'm pretty sure they're going to look like little baby models in their pink and blue suits :). We also bought two float tubes for them to sit in with sun shades. We'll probably get to my uncle's house today (who has the pool) and they'll want to take a nap lol! I really won't be at all surprised though if Colin is less than thrilled about getting in the pool since he's not a fan of baths yet :). I will definitely post pics though of them in their bathing suits!!

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