Saturday, March 24, 2012


We have started the process of becoming foster parents and are both nervous and excited about expanding our family.  It's something we feel like God has placed on our hearts and that He is leading us in this direction so we're following.  We are at the very beginning of the process and have just had our first home visit (which we passed woo hoo!).  We have to go get finger printed and await the results which take 6-8 weeks, take 27 hours of training, and have a minimum of 3 additional home visits.  We are only going to foster ages 2 or younger.  It is so funny because we totally thought we were done having children and that our family was complete so we gave away and sold through garage sales most of our baby gear so we'll be starting from scratch when we had both boy and girl stuff covered :-).

I know it will be hard which is what most people say when we tell them but if it's hard on us that's ok because our hope is that we can make it easier on a child.  After having Colin and Leah it absolutely breaks my heart to think that there are children out there without homes living in shelters because there are not enough foster homes.

Excited to see what God has in store for us.  Every time I start to doubt our decision, something happens to make me remember why we're doing it.  I know it's going to be tough but definitely praying for strength from God and looking forward to expanding our family even if it is temporarily.  We defintiely love kids so the more the merrier!

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